As well as raising awareness and supporting Duchenne charities we continue to support and help Harry be as independent as possible.
For many boys with Harry's condition access to the right equipment is only part of the solution. Everyday is a challenge and helping him create coping strategies, and the confidence to face everyday tasks as he grows up is becoming so important. Psychological support and mentoring is now playing a huge part in Harry's life showing him what he can do and what can be adapted.
We all struggle at times but the support we've had over the years from friends and family makes all this possible. Below are just a few of the things people have done over the last few years......

Massive thanks to our amazing skydivers they, braved the skies and were fabulous
The Two Ball Rally

These fantastic supporters did up three old cars and then entered the Two Ball Rally, London to Lisbon, 3 crap cars, 6 idiots, 4000 miles, 6 days rasing money for Harry's first wheelchair. Thank you!!
Harry's Iron Man Challege

Three incredible men trained for and then completed their own Iron Man challenge just for Help4Harry, 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and a 26.2 mile run on their own in one day.
Marathon Running

We've had many supporters run marathons and half marathons and yes, Harry did ask her to run as a Poop Emoji...
Gung-Ho Team

The Gung-Ho team completed the obstacle course together, raising awareness and funds for vital research.
Mountain Climbing

Climbing to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro for Help4Harry raising thousands of pounds for research.